
straight from the hives

Hive to Table

Delight in our Pure, Golden Honey Straight from Our Bees

Unleash Your Inner Buzz

Experience the Natural Nourishment of our Handcrafted Beeswax Lotions

Majestic Beards, Mighty Care

Transform Your Facial Mane with our Premium Beeswax Beard Balms.

Join our Buzzworthy Journey

Discover the Beauty and Benefits of Sustainable Apiary Practices

Things we do

As beekeepers, we can offer a wide range of services that help our community hive and the bees that pollinate our food. Just to list a few...

Swarm Capture

Safe and rapid removal of swarming bees. We will rehome the colony.

Pollination Services

We facilitate larger crop yields by setting up hives in fields for crop pollination.


Speakers for schools or homeschooling groups about bees and beekeeping.


Guidance for those interested in taking up beekeeping as a hobby or side hustle.

Save the Bees

Contributing to Pollination Nation is as simple as patronizing our online store. We are committed to the long-term success of Tennessee's State Agricultural Insect -- the Honey Bee.

Shop Now

Honey & What Nots

We offer a variety of honey products made from our hardworking bees.

  • All
  • Honey Jars
  • Waxes and Balms
  • Lotion


Jason and Katie Stiltner, along with their children, work together to serve the bee community on their humble honestead in Rockvale, Tennessee.

Jason Stiltner

Jason Stiltner

Chief Bee Whisperer
Katie Stiltner

Katie Stiltner

Chief Bee Whisperer Whisperer


Our location near Murfreesboro offers the bees a variety of foraging spaces. As a fully registered Bee Yard with the Tennessee Department of Agriculture, we maintain a safe environment for the bees.


5633 Constantine Drive, Rockvale, TN 37153

Call Us

+1 615 542 5169

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